Thursday, 3 October 2013

“At some point in our lifetime, gay marriage won't be an issue, and everyone who stood against this civil right will look as outdated as George Wallace standing on the school steps keeping James Hood from entering the University of Alabama because he was black.” George Clooney

I apologise in advance for the randomness of this post, but I really wanted to commit to regular posting even if it meant posts like this where I just post my brain fog, and today that is what I am doing. I can't explain what triggered this, but today I've been thinking about gay men. I think it was where one of my friends shared her suspicions that a favourite YouTuber of mine was gay and my very unhappy reaction about that. What I would like to clarify, just in case it is at all unclear to anyone, is what most women mean by the reaction that I had.

"Oh no, he can't be gay, what a waste!"

Now I know how this could sound very offensive to a gay man, and I totally understand why as if I was a gay male I'm pretty sure I would be horrified and forever think that any woman who said this was a small minded, homophobic cow. However, we do not at all think it wasteful for gay men to be with other gay men, in fact the only people who deserve the amazing, beautiful, wonderful lovers that are gay men are other gay men. It's simply the same emotion you feel when someone you are really attracted to, or even know quite well and have crush on, likes someone else or just plain doesn't like you back. It friggin sucks!! It's pure jealously, gay men, and never meant as anything more harmful. And you can hardly blame us can you? Most of the men in question for this statement are handsome, funny, kind and wonderful men who we could easily fall deeply in love with within mere minutes. And most of the time do! So please, if you are a gay male and hear this statement from a woman any time soon, do try not to judge so harshly. Remember how it feels to be rejected, or to be mad about someone utterly unattainable, and remember that with those kind of feelings come many, many stupid things that we will say.

Gay males, we love you with all our hearts, and I'm not just saying that, women could not survive without you. Without gay males I'd have hair like a birds nest, be dressed in a potato sack and have make up that looked like it was put on a with a sponge. Not to stereotype all gays either, but in the beauty industry it's the feminine males that rule and we all know it. So I'd like to take this moment to acknowledge all the incredible homosexual men I've had the pleasure of being part of my life over the years. Thank you for making me laugh with your witty humour when I was ready to burst into tears. Thank you for holding my hand when I cried, watching shitty movies with me and eating way too much ice cream, and telling me that I still look beautiful. Thank you for telling me that I am too good for him. Thank you for slating his new girlfriend even though she is perfect and also kind of your friend, and telling me that you love me more. Thank you for stopping me from committing cardinal fashion sins, and helping me fix my hair when it goes green. But most of all thank you for allowing me the pleasure of getting to know you all, and sharing with me the gift of your true personality and sexuality. I can't imagine how difficult it is to be so harshly judged for being who you are, but I can say that there are millions more people that not only accept you, but love you. And love is more powerful than hate.

For all the brave homosexual role models out there, male or female, you inspire me every day with your courage to face the world with your true colours. Know that you are inspiration to more than just the gay community, but to young people everywhere who struggle to be themselves, to women who cannot find their voice, to men who are too afraid to show their 'feminine side' and to children who will one day change the world. I hope with all my heart that one day we will find true equality for people regardless of sexuality. I hope that we find equality for people regardless of everything, race, gender, age and all the rest. And I hope one day when you and your equally inspiring and wonderful partner marry each other, wherever and however you choose to, that you invite me.

In the future just remember, sometimes when we've newly met you and all we can do is stare into your immaculately preened beautiful face, all we want is for you to fancy us back. Or your boyfriend, we'd take him too.

Puddy <3

Here's a couple of quotes I find while looking for a title quote that I really liked :)

“Let's make a law that gay people can have birthdays, but straight people get more cake--you know, to send the right message to kids.” 
― Bill MaherNew Rules

“It takes no compromise to give people their takes no money to respect the individual. It takes no political deal to give people freedom. It takes no survey to remove repression.” 
― Harvey Milk

“My own belief is that there is hardly anyone whose sexual life, if it were broadcast, would not fill the world at large with surprise and horror.” 
― W. Somerset Maugham

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