Sunday, 19 January 2014

Only in my life.

Do you ever feel like things happen to you that don't happen to normal people? I do all the time, especially as of late. Myself and a good friend of mine live like we are in a tv show, like it's a constant comedy of ridiculous and unbelievable things happening to us except there's no audience, there's only us suffering. Don't even get me started on when we get together, cuz then some seriously weird things start to occur and stories are told that our friends won't even believe!

Recently, I decided to finally take the leap from an iPhone 3GS to an iPhone 5S. Shockingly not having £600 in cash on me, I went to the apple store to discuss finance with them. After a lengthly chat with the salesman and highly time consuming finance application, I got my new toy. Only at the end did the guy tell me that I needed a new tiny sim to use in my new phone, and that I needed a sim swap to change my contract over to the tiny sim. He then tells me that is not something that the Apple store can do. I need to go to the 3 store. Now, Apple is in the big shopping centre local to me that stays open until 8pm. The 3 store is on the high street. At this point, it is about 7.10pm and I have made the effort to take the train into town straight from work. Had I realised that I needed to do the sim swap earlier I'd have prioritised the 3 store first, but no I wasn't aware. I run to the store but inevitably it is closed.

I text my mate to swap shifts with me tomorrow so I can pop into town in the morning before work and sadly take my unusable phone home in its little box. In the morning I realise that getting to town at opening hours, doing the sim swap and getting the train to work by 10am is more than ambitious. I decide to instead go straight to town from work again, even though I'm shattered. Anyway, after a long day I get to the 3 store and ask them for a sim swap as instructed. I hand over my ancient iPhone 3 with an excited grin. And the guy behind the counter promptly takes out the sim and cuts it up. I feel like my life has ended. I don't know why he has done this, and I'm pretty terrified, but I thank him none the less and take my tiny little remaining sim out of the shop with me. I'm really quite shaken, but I calm myself down and decide that they clearly know what they are doing. I tell myself to stop being a drama queen.

To make myself feel better I decide to go to New Look to find a new handbag, as the one I've been using is too small for my work stuff and the bigger one I changed to is ancient and falling apart as it's from Primark. I am pleased to find upon entering that their stock has changed, as previously I had not been able to find anything I liked, and took my time browsing the many new options. I pick out one that I really like and take it proudly to the till. A very attractive young lad stands behind the till so I try to play cool. I pay for the bag, and as he hands me my shiny new purchase, the bag I'm wearing suddenly snaps and falls to the ground. Yup. The second my new handbag touches my hand, the strap on the one I'm wearing breaks and the bag throws itself on the floor in rebellion. I blushed heavily and quickly the scoop the old one up, trying to casually laugh and say, "well that's the end of that one". I hurry out of the store.

At this point I realise I've been in town a while and it dawns on me that without a sim in either phone no one is able to contact me. I sit down in the shopping centre and try to set my phone up, but the damn sim slot wont open. Frustrated I hurry into the Apple store and bashfully ask one of the guys if they can put the sim in for me. When I take it out, he eyes it suspiciously and I explain the 3 store dilemma. The Apple guy looks as if he may fall of his chair. He tells me that this is something that the 3 guy should absolutely not have done as it is not a guaranteed solution and that the sim swap is something they can easily do in 5 minutes. When he tries to enter the sim, it doesn't fit. He is unable to do a sim swap in store. It won't fit back into my old phone either. I start to panic as I realise I can't even call one of my techie friends for help. I have no phone. Sensing my panic, the Apple guy apologises profusely for my experience. I tell him it's not his fault, but still am hyperventilating at the revelation that I have no phone to use. I cave and end up buying another sim card from the Apple store just so I can call my mum and shout about the whole experience. The guy was super nice and helped me to set up my phone and get to the point where I could make calls.

I got home and fortunately my dad managed to cut it down slightly more and make it fit. Now I have an iPhone 5S woo hoo. Then a day later my car broke down. Only in my life.

The point of this post was more or less to let you guys know that these ridiculous, unbelievable, frustrating things do in fact happen to us all. You are not alone. Just remember that at the end of the day, it's not all that bad and you can always at least make a good blog post about it ;)

Puddy <3


  1. This comment has been removed by the author.

  2. Hahaha I always thought it was just me
    Love this
